Chase's alarm went off at 7:30 this morning. He snoozed once before
getting up. We could hear Elsie, who was already awake and playing in
her room. I rolled out of bed to get Chase's lunch together and make him
a quick breakfast before he left for the day.
While I was
buttering french toast, this feeling of guilt ran through me. Like a
knot in my stomach almost. Chase is getting ready to leave and work for
us all day long. And me, well I get to stay home, in my pajamas if i
want to, and watch (play with) the kids. I'm not going to lie, being a
stay at home mom is frustrating and hard, and some days I have to lock
myself in the bathroom for a while just to escape.
But I am SO lucky.
can climb into bed and watch a movie, walk to the park, or play with
blocks. I get to make lunch and sing songs and potty train. I can't even
imagine having to put my kids in daycare, or have them babysat all day 5
times a week. I know there are tons of families that do it, and it
works for them. But I am just so grateful that I don't have to.
am so grateful for Chase. He is the best husband I could ever ask for.
He goes to work everyday so I can stay home with the kids. He never
complains. Ever.
I am also blessed to have the opportunity to work from home for
Designer Blogs.
Because I want to. I get to be creative and productive during nap time.
It's like a quick recharge before the hooligans wake up and were back
to making cookies in Elsie's play kitchen.
Everyday is all about these kiddos and I am so glad I get to stay home and be the one helping make memories of their childhood.