Sorrry i've been so MIA the past few weeks... There has been so much going on around here. First off, I caught the nasty flu bug that's been going around. I spent most of my friday night hunched over the porcelain thrown. Lets just say saltines were my best friend and we watched an entire Office season in one day. It was lovely. Also our house hunt has gone into full swing. Its quite depressing how quickly house's are scooped up by investors. You already have 10 houses mister, I just want this one for me and my little family! When I'm not house hunting I'm buried in my school books or working like a crazy woman. I need to make some more time for myself. I'm thinking a nice bath and maybe a pedicure from the sister. Something to just unwind. I need a new book to read as well. Something not terribly long since Ive got the worst ADD in the history of the world. Any ideas lovelies? Oh and it's officially spring break so expect a few more posts from me this week since Ill be home alone, while the mister is working his hot booty off. Here are some lovelies for you all. Im swooning over spring. Unfortunately its much too short here in zona.